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Google Summer of Code

Rejected for GSoC 2022

Sadly, we have not been accepted for GSoC 2022. We plan to apply again in 2023 and hope that we have better luck then. Stay tuned!

Still the topics mentioned below are very relevant for the Carbyne Stack community. In case you are interested in working on one of them or you have your own ideas on how to advance the Carbyne Stack project or community, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We'll probably find a way to get you supported by one of the backing organizations. Please also have a look at the opportunities page for open positions.

Carbyne Stack is applying to become a Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2022 mentoring organization. For those not aware of what GSoC is, here comes the official description from Google:

What is Google Summer of Code?

Google Summer of Code is a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. (Source: GSoC Website)

Students interested in becoming a contributor to the Carbyne Stack open source project as part of the GSoC programme can find all the information related to our participation as a mentoring organization on this page.

Application 101

Want to apply for working with Carbyne Stack in GSoC 2022? Great! Read below what it needs to get things going1.

How to Apply

Application only via GSoC System

All applications must go through Google's GSoC application system. We can't accept any application unless it is submitted there.

Applying is not witchcraft as long as you take the following points to heart:

  1. Read carefully all the information provided on this page and in the GSoC student guide.
  2. Get in touch with the Carbyne Stack maintainers ( Caryne Stack Maintainers) or with your prospective mentors (see contact information below in the topics list) in case you want to discuss your project idea or understand better the expectations towards GSoC applicants.
  3. Write your application. See hints on this below.
  4. Submit your application to Google before the deadline. We actually recommend you to submit a few days early in case you have internet problems or the system is down. Google does not extend this deadline, so it's best to be prepared early! You can edit your application up until the system closes.

Anatomy of a good Application

A promising application will contain at least:

  1. A descriptive title for the project. In case you are interested in one of the projects proposed by us that should be straightforward. Otherwise, put some effort into to this as it's the first opportunity to trigger the interest of potential mentors.
  2. A concise CV with a special focus on your practical experiences with relevant technology and open source projects, including contact information. No problem if you don't have that much experience yet, as long as you have the skills to master the envisioned project.
  3. Information about your (proposed) project. This should be reasonably detailed and include a timeline with concrete milestones. Please also include any learning tasks that you anticipate to get you prepared for mastering your GSoC project.
  4. Information about other commitments that might affect your ability to work during the GSoC period (exams, classes, holidays, other jobs, weddings, etc.). We can work around a lot of things, but it helps to know in advance.


We have an attractive mix of potential GSoC project proposals. Each project is rated according to effort (, either 175h or 350h) and difficulty / complexity (, one of Easy, Medium, or Hard). While projects rated low complexity tend to require adapting a single or a small number of Carbyne Stack software components (like a microservice) only, those with high complexity require contributors to get a good understanding of the Carbyne Stack system as a whole or require in-depth knowledge of a single or a few components.

BYOT (Bring Your Own Topic)

In case you have your own small or big idea how to advance Carbyne Stack or our open source community, don't hesitate to get in touch ( GSoC Organization Administrator) to discuss your proposal.


Please use the tabs below to navigate through the GSoC project proposals.

Core development projects derive from the ongoing work from the core of our development team. The list of features and bugs is never-ending, and help is always welcome. Expect to be closely integrated into the frequent interactions of the Carbyne Stack core development team.

Carbyne Stack Operator

175h (Basic), 350h (Extended) Hard

Operators are software extensions to Kubernetes that make use of custom resources to manage applications and their components. Carbyne Stack is a complex system consisting of multiple independently scalable microservices with interwoven configuration requirements. This project is about implementing a Kubernetes operator that can be used to deploy, configure, and operate a Carbyne Stack virtual cloud provider and to establish virtual clouds by interconnecting multiple of them.

Expected Outcomes

Value Proposition

DevOps will be able to easily deploy and operate Carbyne Stack virtual clouds.

Technical Key Results

  • A set of basic operators for Carybne Stack microservices, i.e., Castor, Amphora, Ephemeral is available.
  • A set of basic operators for Carybne Stack microservices, i.e., Castor, Amphora, Ephemeral is available.
  • An additional "super" operator is implemented that can be used to deploy a complete Carbyne Stack virtual cloud provider and that provides mechanisms to establish a Carbyne Stack virtual cloud by partnering with remote virtual cloud providers. This process includes things like key generation, CA certificate exchange, and parameter negotiation.

Required Skills

  • Advanced coding skills in Go or Java
  • (Bonus) Experience with an operator framework, e.g., Operator SDK, kubebuilder, or the Java Operator SDK
  • (Bonus) Knowledge on Carbyne Stack including how microservices work and how their configurations "interact"

Potential Mentors

Cloud-native Authentication and Authorization

350h Medium

In this project, the CNCF projects Dex and OPA will be used to implement OIDC authentication and policy-based authorization in the Carbyne Stack microservices, clients and CLI in a cloud-native way.

Expected Outcomes

Value Proposition

End-users will be able to define who is able to access Amphora secrets, Castor tuples, and Ephemeral functions.

Technical Key Results

  • Authorization support is implemented in Carbyne Stack microservices including Amphora, Castor, and Ephemeral.
  • End-user authentication support is set up using Istio features.
  • Support for Authentication and Authorization is implemented in Java clients and CLI.

Required Skills

  • Good coding skills in Java and Go
  • Experience in working with K8s
  • Basic knowledge about authentication standards, in particular OIDC
  • (Bonus) Experience with Dex and OPA

Potential Mentors

Migrate to gRPC

175h (Basic), 350h (Extended) Easy

As of today, communication in Carbyne Stack is based on a mix of REST and WebSockets. In this project, you get your feets wet with gRPC, the CNCF high performance, open source universal RPC framework and use gRPC to replace the communication protocols used currently in Carbyne Stack.

Expected Outcomes

Value Proposition

Developers will be able to use a modern and fast RPC framework to interact with the Carbyne Stack services.

Technical Key Results

  • Castor service and clients are migrated to gRPC.
  • Castor service and clients are migrated to gRPC.
  • Amphora service and clients are migrated to gRPC.

Required Skills

  • Good coding skills in Java
  • Solid understanding of the RPC and REST paradigms
  • (Bonus) Previous experience in working with gRPC

Potential Mentors

Infrastructure and automation projects are about things somewhat orthogonal to core development. Expect to work a little bit more indepedently but not really detached from the core developer team. Nevertheless, you will contribute things equally important that will be highly appreciated by the community.

Security Hardening

175h (Basic), 350h (Extended) Medium

This project is about securing Carbyne Stack deployments in various aspects including east-west (intra-VCP) and north-south (inter-VCP) traffic using the open source Istio service mesh, Kubernetes RBAC configuration, and secrets management using Hashicorp Vault.

Expected Outcomes

Value Proposition

DevOps will be able to securely operate CS virtual cloud providers.

Technical Key Results

  • East-west (intra-VCP) inter-service communication channels are secured using Istio service-to-service Mutual TLS authentication.
  • North-south (inter-VCP) communication channels are secured using an Istio mutual TLS ingress gateway.
  • Namespace isolation and RBAC policies for Carbyne Stack K8s resources are in place.
  • East-west (intra-VCP) inter-service communication channels are secured using Istio service-to-service Mutual TLS authentication.
  • North-south (inter-VCP) communication channels are secured using an Istio mutual TLS ingress gateway.
  • Namespace isolation and RBAC policies for Carbyne Stack K8s resources are in place.
  • Secret management is implemented using Hashicorp Vault for MPC MAC and encryption keys, as well as local and remote certificates.

Required Skills

  • Experience in working with K8s
  • Solid understanding of TLS and Istio
  • (Bonus) Previous experience with Hashicorp Vault

Potential Mentors

Public Cloud Deployment

175h Easy

Carbyne Stack currently comes along with instructions for local deployment of a virtual cloud on kind clusters using MetalLB as the bare-metal load balancer. The goal of this project is to provide modern deployment machinery for a public cloud using the Terraform infrastructure as code software tool.

Expected Outcomes

Value Proposition

DevOps will be able to deploy Carbyne Stack virtual cloud providers to a public cloud.

Technical Key Results

  • IaC code for deploying a Carbyne Stack virtual cloud (provider) to Azure based on Terraform and helm is available.

Required Skills

  • Basic skills in working with an IaC tool
  • Familarity with Helm
  • Experience in working with a public cloud
  • (Bonus) Experience with Azure Public Cloud and Terraform

Potential Mentors


Why do we want to participate in GSoC?

We are passionate about the ideas behind Carbyne Stack and the possibilities cloud-native Secure Multiparty Computation opens up for secure and privacy-friendly processing of sensitive data. With Carbyne Stack being a security-related enabling technology project, we think going down the open source path is exactly the right way to go.

By participating in the GSoC program, we aim to attract the interest of tech-savvy, highly skilled people who are passionate about open source and help them expand their skills while making useful contributions to the Carbyne Stack platform to make it even better.

What would we consider to be a successful GSoC?

Our foremost goal is to spark long-term interest in Carbyne Stack. A successful GSoC would give us active community members who have come to stay.

As a young open source project and first-time participant in the GSoC program, there is plenty for us to learn. In the best case, this year's participation will lay the foundation for regular participation in the program.

We believe that the GSoC projects we propose will add significant value to the Carbyne Stack developer and user community. We will do our best to ensure that GSoC contributions actually find their way into the Carbyne Stack codebase.

How will we keep mentors engaged with their GSoC contributors?

We only accept mentors who we know well, who are active members of the community, and who are fully aware of their responsibilities as GSoC mentors.

We foster the exchange of knowledge and best practices between mentors in regular mentoring meetings.

As administrators of the mentoring organization, we see it as one of our main tasks to keep the mentors engaged and spend enough time to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

How will we keep GSoC contributors involved in our community during (and after) GSoC?

We host community meetings every two weeks. GSoC contributors are invited to attend these meetings to present their work, interact with community members, and receive the input and guidance they need to achieve their project goals. Weekly meetings with their mentors help participants learn about relevant activities within the community. All (written) interaction within the community takes place on GitHub, which keeps the barriers to entry low for GSoC students.

The participating industry partners regularly offer opportunities to interested students to do internships or academic theses on topics related to Carbyne Stack within their company. This might be interesting for certain GSoC contributors as a way to keep in touch with the community after GSoC will have come to an end.

How will we help our GSoC contributors stay on schedule to complete their projects?

We will implement the following measures to ensure the success of GSoC projects for both GSoC students and us:

  • Mentors will meet weekly with their mentees to identify and address emerging issues early.
  • GSoC contributors are invited to attend our regular community meetings, and are encouraged to interact with others in the community via regular GitHub communication channels or email.
  • Code reviews are an integral part of our routine within the Carbyne Stack community - not only as a quality measure, but also as a means of knowledge transfer. This routine is naturally extended to GSoC contributions as well.

Have we been accepted as a GSoC mentor organization before?

Carbyne Stack is a young open source project kick-started some months back in September 2021 by means of an initial contribution by Bosch Research. Therefore, it is our first time applying as GSoC mentoring organization.

Where does our source code live?"

Our project and community is hosted on GitHub under the Carbyne Stack organization.

  1. Based on the excellent guideline examples given on the GSoC website, in particular the Python GSoC website